State-of-the-Art Oral Surgery Including Root Canals and Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Indications You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Wisdom teeth are the third molars and last to grow in at the back corners of the mouth. Individuals may lack all four wisdom teeth or have one, multiple, or all four of them. They become problematic if they remain completely under the soft tissues or partially break through the gums, or get misaligned. In that case, they need to be extracted.

Redness, inflammation, and tenderness of the area caused by bacteria and infection

Jaw stiffness and pain

Pain in the wisdom teeth that worsens over time

Bad breath and bad taste

Heavy bleeding and minor loss of jaw movement (in extreme cases)

The Procedure

  • Do not eat or drink after midnight (i.e. a few hours before the oral surgery).
  • Discontinue or avoid intake of any over-the-counter or prescribed medications that can interfere with the healing.
  • Avoid smoking for at least 12 hours beforehand.
  • Avoid recreational drugs and alcohol consumption.
  • Arrive at the dental clinic in comfortable clothing without any jewelry, make-up, and hair neatly tied.
  • Get your home ready for recovery!
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Prior to wisdom tooth surgery, the patient is provided with local anesthesia or IV sedation to profoundly numb around the tooth so that the procedure is completely painless.

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The extraction is done by first pushing the gum tissues back for access to the problematic wisdom tooth and then elevating the tooth out.

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The method of removal may vary depending on the severity of impacting or crowding of the tooth. Sometimes, little bone shaving is done around the tooth and then sectioned into small pieces to be effectively removed completely.

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Finally, the gum incision is closed by self-dissolving sutures. Your surgeon will send you home with post-op instructions and care!

Wisdom Tooth Removal Can Help Eliminate Pain

Wisdom teeth removal is recommended to fix a current issue or prevent future problems linked to the teeth. Usually, it is necessary if it causes pain or any other complications.

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After Your Wisdom Tooth Procedure

Stick to a healthy soft diet for the first few days. Avoid any hard, crunchy, chewy, or sticky foods as well as hot, fizzy drinks for the first few days.

Avoid smoking for at least a week. Refrain from exercises for a few days.

Place a clean gauze on the extraction site and bite onto it to reduce bleeding. If it continues and is profuse, notify your dentist immediately.

Avoid mouth rinsing and spitting for the first 12-24 hours.

Procedure Costs

Procedure costs are on a case-by-case basis. We assess your current situation, see what is needed, and come up with a plan of action based on your specific needs. We do free exams for new patients.

Costs depend on: 

  • The number of wisdom teeth removed
  • The severity of the problem
  • Number of teeth affected
  • Location of the clinic
  • Experience of the dentist
  • Cost of X-rays
  • Cost of anesthesia